You are awesome!

Montag, 8. August 2016

Project summary

Actually I have never written a summary about the project outcome, so I feel I should do that. I am really happy for everyone, who participated in that project and made this project possible. I have gotten some nice replies back, so if you want to contact me feel free to do so.
Throughout this project I discovered a lot more public parks in Singapore as I found parks the best spot to ask people for my project as they are usually relaxed and not in a hurry. I anyway prefer to take photos of people in open spaces with the natural light, rather than in Malls or crowded places.
Even though I talked to many strangers every day, it never ended to feel like an act of courage to approach them. But it was a good experience.
I also discovered that I increased my speed in creating postcards with Photoshop and that I forget time while doing it. I really love it. The more information I got about a person, the easier it was to create them as it was a personal made postcard customized to the receiver.

Recently a friend of mine told me about a project where someone traveled around the world taking beautiful photographs of woman in their natural beauty. I didn't see those photographs yet, but my friend said that they are amazing. That actually inspired me to continue my project, because I can reach out to people and give them something nice back. If you like my artwork and you want a personal customized postcard for yourself or someone else, please feel free to contact me.
My email is:

Thank you very much for everyone who supported me in this project :-) !

Dienstag, 26. April 2016

Last round :-) all designs are done

All designs of week 4

Today my last set of postcards will be send out. I want to thank every participant and everyone, who supported me and my project. Thank you for for your positive words :-)

Time to write the postcards

It is almost done. The last designs are made and printed and the last postcards for this week will be sent by tomorrow (after I write them).
4 weeks with 50 and more people participating in my project :-) it was an exciting time. More updates soon.

Montag, 25. April 2016

The project is coming to an end... A few days left till completion... I am working on the last designs, so everything can be send out, no later than Wednesday. I am so excited.. :-)

Samstag, 23. April 2016

Ui... It's the last week (finishing on Wednesday) and I should be half way done... Unfortunately not... I am done 25% percent of this weeks milestone. If you want, cheer me up :-)